11 easy and effective remedies for fever
Do we usually know why we have a fever? Most of us do no not. We simply feel sick and our temperature is up that is when we know we have a fever.
A fever is a symptom of the body getting sick as it indicates a struggle that is going on in the body between your immune system and a foreign organism.
Related: Checkout the post I wrote on how to naturally boost your immune system fast.
What is a fever
Fever is a rise in temperature as a result of an infection in the body. The rise in temperature is a mechanism that the body adapts to fight infection by making it uncomfortable for the organism in the body. The rise in temperature can also be a result of the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Causes of fever
A fever can be as a result of being sick from:
- The common cold (e.g cough, sore throat, and catarrh),
- Parasitic infections (e.g malaria),
- Bacterial and Viral infections (e.g diarrhea, measles),
- Vaccinations, and immunizations,
- Some medications, etc.
Symptoms of fever
An increase in temperature is not enough evidence for fever. For it to classified as fever, it has to be accompanied by:
- Headache
- Weakness
- Feeling cold, chills, or shivering
- Nausea
- Lack of energy
- Loss of appetite
- Body ache/muscle ache etc.
Fever temperatures
Checking the patient’s temperature is usually the first step in identifying fevers. To check for one’s temperature, it is best done with a thermometer but I can imagine some of us do not have such tools. The average body temperature is 96-99F or 36-37C. When an adult’s or child’s temperature goes beyond 100F and beyond, or 37.5C then you have a fever.
How to manually check for fevers
We all have different body temperatures where some people have higher temperatures than most. Body temperatures are known to vary at different times of the day from morning to night and with different activities.
To check manually by touch, touch the sick patient and touch yourself or other people around you. This will allow you to gauge if their temperature is indeed higher than the average body temperature.

fever Hacks for fast recovery
During times like this, it is important that the body is supported in its struggle to defend itself with the following practices:
- Getting adequate sleep and rest so that the body is not occupied with other activities.
- Staying hydrated as water is needed for most functions in the body
- Avoid Keeping warm with socks and blankets even if the patient feels cold
- Eating well
- Taking supplements that support the body’s immunity such as black seed powder, raw garlic, etc.
Related post: How to quickly boost your immune system with simple remedies and supplements
- Take a steam bath or a very hot shower to cool down your body temperature. Not a cold or lukewarm bath as advised by many.
- A cold bath simply lowers the person’s core temperature temporarily and then, the body has to generate more heat to compensate for the lost temperature. This cold bath method can actually worsen fevers. It is not advised to do it.
- Alternatively, sponging with a cloth dipped in lukewarm not cold water also helps in gradually cooling down the fever. Simply dip a clean cloth in lukewarm water, wring it and place it on the patient’s forehead, neck, or other parts of the body you feel is necessary. Change it once it starts to become warm.
- Wear cold wet socks to bed. This is a very weird remedy for fever but many swear by it so, you might want to give it a try.
- You simply need to soak the sick’s feet in warm water then put on socks that have been soaked in cool water, then cover the cold socks with a dry pair of socks. Sleep and when you wake up. You will probably feel better by morning
When to visit the doctor
Very high body temperatures can be dangerous for our health especially when they are accompanied by unusual symptoms such as shortness of breath, muscle stiffness, and pain, skin rash, mental confusion, unexplained bleeding, etc.
When your fever is coupled with the above symptoms, you need to visit the doctor ASAP for a proper checkup. Perhaps your fever is a symptom of a serious health condition that needs medical attention.
Home remedies for fever
There are some simple home remedies that are within our reach at home that we can use to bring down our temperature such as:
Garlic is here again. Yes, it is also good in breaking one’s fever when the body’s temperature gets too high. Garlic is known for its strong properties and potency in treating numerous infections and the like.
Here you can use it to break your fever and also to strengthen your immunity and help your body fight off the infections it is struggling with.
How to use (to break your fever):
- Pick about 5-7 pieces of garlic not the whole garlic bulb
- Pound, mash, grate or blend them to a smooth paste without adding water or any other additive
- Get adequate mild oil e.g. coconut oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, or pure raw butter e.g. Shea butter, mango butter, and mix it with blended garlic. The amount of oil or butter should just be enough to be applied all over the body.
- Apply the garlic-oil/butter mixture all over the body
- Can be used for both adults and toddlers.
* Remember not to apply garlic directly to the skin without adding another oil or body butter because is very strong and it can burn the human skin. I had an awful experience of that.
How to use (for immunity):
- Chop about 2-3 pieces of garlic
- Let them sit to allow the Allicin to activate
- Then swallow the chopped piece with water
- Repeat every 7-8 hours for the rest of the day
Neem is found all over West Africa, India, and so on. It is well researched for its effect on fevers. Many studies have shown how Neem enhances the body’s immune response during an infection. You can find them easily on the on the internet.
How to use:
For oral application
- Wash a handful (two hands put together) the fresh leaves of the neem plant
- If you only have fresh or dried powder, it should work also. Use 2 tablespoons of the powder and a single handful (single hand) of the dried leaves
- Boil them with adequate clean water of about 2-3 liters
- Strain, divide it for seven days, and drink a cup morning and evening for a maximum of seven days
- You can stop the neem remedy once you have recovered
- Be careful not to overdo it because the plant is very powerful and it can cause harm
For external application
To break one’s fever:
- Make a poultice of the herb adequate for rubbing all over the body.
- Alternatively, pound or blend the neem leaves with as little water as possible
- Rub all over the skin of the feverish person
- It cools down the body’s temperature fast
For steam bath
- Boil a handful of the leaves in a pot or kettle
- Find a comfortable sitting area
- Sit and pour the boiled leaves into a container or bring the pot to the sitting area
- Open the lid and place the towel or blanket over your head and body
- Maintain your posture and position of your face over the hot neem water until it cools down by itself
- Steam baths are not the most comfortable but they can be very helpful in bringing down body temperatures

Are these remedies safe for babies, children?
These home remedies are safe for both adults and teenagers.
For babies, the fever hacks, and the garlic rub are best for fast recovery. As for the neem remedy, only the poultice is suitable for them not the oral or steam bath application.
For Kids/toddlers, After using the fever hacks, if it is not enough or you want to hasten their recovery, You can use the garlic remedy (both oral and rub). The child doesn’t need to swallow the garlic. He/she can simply chew on it too. The neem is not recommended for little children.
For children above 7 years old, all remedies are recommended. However, the oral dosage for the neem is half of the adult dose.
I wish you the best.
When one has a persistent fever, it is important that the cause of the infection is understood or the underlying condition is identified. When it is just normal fever, they can easily be treated with home remedies in most cases.
Remember that neem is a very potent medicine so be careful of using too much of it or using it carelessly. Refrigerate the remaining teas/medicines that are to be used for the coming days.
You can choose to reheat them if they get cold or take them out of the fridge ahead of time to warm up to room temperature by the time you need to take the medicine. You can also decide to only boil the amount you need for the day only. It is all up to you.
Before you reach for the drug cabinet, try out one of these remedies because these pharmaceutical drugs can be harsh on our vital organs such as the liver and kidneys.
Some studies even show that it can be counter-productive to start taking pharmaceutical drugs at the onset of a fever because it can hinder the immune system properly responding to the organism or threat. I would suggest that a mild to moderate fever should be allowed to run its course as it will naturally go away faster without inference.
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